Tuesday, December 16, 2008
December Calendar Doll and BJP

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
November Calendar Doll

November BJP
Monday, October 13, 2008
October BJP
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Calendar Dolls

Gift in the Mail

Look what came in the mail! I totally forgot that I had played a blog game - show off your bead tray on Denise's blog http://bitsofbeads.blogspot.com/ and got these great blue beads in the mail with a nice note from Denise! Looks like November might just have to be blue. This was such a nice treat. Thought I'd show them off. Thanks Denise!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Beading Area
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
September Bead Journal Project
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Summer is Almost Over
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
New Adventure

Friday, June 6, 2008
I've Been Tagged
- 1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
10 years ago, I had just quit my job after 17 years at the Hartford Courant to raise my son. We were doing the playgroup thing, the nap thing (I miss this), and just keeping a 2-year-old busy and out of trouble! Reading children’s stories and watching children’s movies, visiting museums, playgrounds and all those things kids do.
- 2. What are 5 things on my to-do list for today (not in any particular order)?
Oh, I live such an exciting life! Grocery shopping, clean the house, write some emails to my boys (I am a boys scout merit badge counselor), write a thank you note, plant some herbs and veggies. box up some books to donate to the library, take my son to TaeKwonDo (he became a black belt at age 10, he’s 12 now and going for his 2nd degree black belt soon). There must be more but it’s still early.
- 3. Snacks, I enjoy?
That’s a tough one! Hum, it would have to be cheese, a really good extra sharp cheddar! I am choosing to eat right and have stopped eating sugar and white flour. I’m following the Atkin’s program and have lost 33 lbs in the past 3 months. Before this I’d have to say anything with chocolate.
- 4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire?
Wow, there’s a lot I could do with this amount! Pay off the house, get a new car, put my son through middle school, high school and college. Bead, sew, oh, have someone clean my house and then I’d donate, donate, and donate! I have a soft spot in my heart for Fidelco Guide Dogs. We were so lucky to be the caretakers of a retired Fidelco dog, Jordan. He spent his retirement with us and he was the BEST dog ever. We had Jordan, a beautiful German Shepherd, for 5 years. He was so fun to have. He was gentle, loving, vocal (not in the barking way) and protective without even doing anything! He was really big!! So I’d donate to them. I’d donate to other organizations, too but right now I can’t think of any.
- 5. Places I have lived?
Groton, Mass
Fort Devens, Mass
Newington, CT
Verdon, France
Atlanta Georgia (Atlanta Army Depot)
Fort Ord (Monterey, CT)
Williamsburg, VA
Newport News, VA
Heidelberg, Germany (Graduated HS in the Castle)
New Britain, CT
Newington, CT
Manchester, CT (I’ve lived here since 1991 – longest time I’ve lived anywhere)
I think that's it - just don't ask for dates - that's almost impossible. Can you tell I’m an Army Brat?
- 6. Peeps I want to know more about.
beadin'gram at http://beaded-creation.blogspot.com
Williamsburg Beader at http://williamsburgbeader.blogspot.com
cc at: http://hrhcc.blogspot.com/
Not knowing many people on line, I'm tagging the above cyber-friends for this meme and hoping you’ll be willing to do it. By the way, “doing it” means you get to answer the same 6 questions as I have, and then tag 5 or 6 more people. Of course, you don’t have to do it. But if you do, please let me know so I can be an appreciative reader!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Finished 2007 Bead Journal Project
I used peltex as a stabilizer with cotton as a fabric or painted the peltex as a backing to the beads. I then sewed each page to felt and used grommets to loop them all together. I planned each page to have about an inch more on the left hand side. I didn't know at the beginning what I'd be doing with all the pages but I did plan ahead just in case by leaving the extra on the left. Good thing!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
May Bead Journal Page
April Bead Journal Page

April showers bring May flowers! That's what went into my head when I did this one. I'm hoping for lots of flowers since we had lots of rain. Wish the shine came out better with the sequines I used for the puddle.
March Journal Page
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Pay It Forward

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Catching Up
We're on school vacation and I'm breathing. I took pictures of my pages October thru February. I can't believe I'm actually caught up.
October's started slowly. I had the 3 stone leaves and thought it looked boring and needed some sparkle. You can't tell by the picture but the beads in the large leaf shine, the red veins match the red in one of the stones. It still wasn't enough so I just kept on going. A little here and a little there until I said - enough.

January's Page - Happy New Year! I thought I'd welcome in the baby new year with a bang of fireworks. It's going to be a wonderful year.

February's Page is of course a bunch of hearts. I started collecting hearts a little while ago and was planning on doing something totally different with them but they landed on the page. It's a happy hearts page.

I am so happy I am able to put these up to share with everyone. I have been taking sneak peaks now and again but haven't been commenting on any. I have LOVED what I've seen. What a talented group! I look forward to more from me and everyone else.
Hope all is well with you - Hugs from Heidi where the weather here in Connecticut can't make up it's mind if it's going to be winter or summer.